
RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player

Best Cheap RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player Online Store

RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player

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before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player
Multi-Format Karaoke Player w/ 320 GB hard drive - over 40,000 song capacity.Do not waste your time searching for songs from your disk library. Just Select, Type & Copy songs to the Hard Disk of this machine.You do not need to carry 1,000 discs for a party or an event. Save your investment from scratchs & save your time. Capture CD+G, DVD, NEO+G into Hard Disk Drive. Access 40,000 + songs through the on-screen selection with keypad & remote.

RSQ HD-787 320GB Hard Drive Karaoke Player

  • pture CD+G, DVD, NEO+G into Hard
  • Easy Capture CD+G, DVD, AUDIO CD,
  • 1 320 GB Hard Drive
  • Remote with keypad
  • Direct Playback from hard drive using pre assigned song number

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